Clarence Feels Disconnected

Provoking Discourse on Online Deaths and Empathy

In the thought-provoking project "Clarence Feels Disconnected," anonymous artist Clarence delved into the disturbing aspects of the internet and the obsession surrounding online deaths. Using a warped 8-bit style, the artwork aimed to blur the lines between decency, respect, and censorship, challenging our perception of empathy in the digital age.

The immersive art show featured a striking mural depicting pixelated scenes emblematic of the internet's dark side.
Interactive wooden blocks allowed viewers to rearrange pixelated pieces, symbolizing the malleability of public perception. Posters honoring famous artists who tragically died on camera sparked reflection on society's fixation with these events.

The purpose of "Clarence Feels Disconnected" was to ignite discourse on public phone recordings and their impact on our capacity for empathy. By confronting viewers with uncomfortable visuals and subject matter, Clarence prompted introspection and critical reflection.
The project had a profound impact to viewers in attendance. Media coverage and social media discussions amplified the project's reach, encouraging individuals to reassess their relationship with online content. "Clarence Feels Disconnected" stands as a reminder of the importance of empathy and responsible engagement with digital media, as the boundaries between reality and pixels continue to blur.