Clarence Has a Green Thumb

Exploring the Illusion of Nature

The series "Clarence Has A Green Thumb" explores the fascinating blend of nature and artificiality. Plastic plants are transformed through careful painting in an array of captivating blues. These vibrant creations are then photographed against a soft pink backdrop, blurring the boundaries between the real and the manufactured.
At first glance, the painted plastic plants may deceive viewers with their striking resemblance to natural foliage. However, upon closer examination, the truth is revealed—their artificiality becomes apparent. This revelation invites contemplation on the intricate interplay between perception and reality.
The series encourages viewers to question the authenticity of their observations and challenge conventional notions of what is real. By playing with our senses, "Clarence Has A Green Thumb" prompts a reconsideration of the evolving definition of beauty in today's culture and our relationship with the environment.