59 Orchard St, NY

September 2, 2023

Step into "Pink Slime," an immersive art show that explores a disconnected Nation trying to fill Nature's void. Without guidance, they exploited resources and created an over-polluted world driven by greed. Corruption led to pink slime flooding 80% of the Nation, leaving it immobilized.

The remaining Nation awaits their fate, questioning who will save them. Once-thriving cities decay, skies turn sickly, and rivers become toxic. Pink slime consumes all.

Witness a transformation as the call for a savior shifts to realizing that change lies in individual choices and actions. "Pink Slime" invites you to explore how devastation can turn to revival, challenging your views on responsibility, balance, and making a difference.

Food Sovereignty Handbook

*click to download*

Clarence’s Food Sovereignty Handbook